Posts in Uncategorized
Checking In

Sitting now at a cafe with a group of strangers at a Shut Up & Write! Meetup. I’ve never attended a meetup anything before. I have attended silent writing groups before and thought it might be a good way to put some discipline into my writing practice. So here I am.

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Let's Move!

My dance practice is my healing practice. My dance practice is my spiritual practice. The dance floor holds my community. I can travel to any conscious dance space anywhere in the world and step into a space where I know I can be me fully. Where I will be welcomed, where I can stretch, unfold, expand, express, experiment, love, be loved, connect, slow down, rest, relax, even hide. All of me is invited and welcome when I allow my self to fully embody each breath as it travels. 

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Be Beautiful * Be Yourself * Be Your Non-self

24 degrees this morning

32 degrees fahrenheit last night. Took a long nap instead of writing in the afternoon. Felt good. Took a smaller portion at dinner. Aware that I need less food than I think. Went directly home after evening meditation. Revealing in the full sky of stars. Orion watching over me. Made a quick call to Mom standing in a cold field, trying to keep my voice down, and the conversation brief. All is well with Mom. 

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