Posts in Uncategorized
The Truth

I lied about something in yesterday’s post and it’s been nagging at me. I contemplated going back and editing, which I may do for future versions, but since this is a blog and part of my writing exposure, I decided to write out my process here instead.

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Dance Is My Medicine

Conscious dance is my spiritual practice, it is also my healing practice. Today I went to my church in Oakland with my daughter (see essay about Burning Man for more info about how it is that I suddenly have a daughter). If you witness me on the floor, you are witnessing me getting my medicine.

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Every day feels epic. So much awe.

Ok - so I’ve had a lot on my mind as usual, and I’ve been busy living life, having headaches, dancing, hugging, laughing, crying, driving around, drinking tea, and trying to understand how to program a blog. I’m recalibrating my being so that I am guided by my intuition and heart, rather than my mind. It’s not like turning on a switch or adjusting a dial. Or is it?

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